secret lives of escorts


The first Time you talk to an escort and discover that she is married you cant help but wonder why she chose that life, however, the bigger question you ask her “ does your husband know that you do this ?” to which she confidently answers you “ of course not “. To which you ask “ how do you manage to keep this part of your life a secret ?” and to this question she only smiles and dismisses your question as if you never even asked in the first place. So in case you are still wondering how escorts manage to keep their affair a secret from family members and relatives, here are a few pointers.


This should always be your first assignment as an escort. Getting a separate number and phone for the job only. Most escorts will not give a client their private numbers that they gave their families, this is because these numbers end up online and that could give away her real identity. Having two phones also help her keep her private family life with relatives separate because when she wants to spend time with family she can always switch off the job number.


Hygiene is the most important part of an escorts life. A dirty escort will always be turned away by clients because she becomes a turn off very quickly. However , a married escort or one in a relationship will always shower to wash off the small of sex from her body to ensure her partner is not suspicious. If there is no time to shower she will at least clean her private parts to get rid of any evidence of prior sexual activity. She will also take the shower because in the first days of being an escort it help “wash away” the guilt and make her feel a little more fresh and detached from the client.


When a lady is an escort and you are dating, she will carefully choose a job that allows her schedule to be too flexible. She will say she is a waitress. This allows her to talk of changing shifts and a change in work schedule whenever she wants to get away to go meet clients. Having a flexible job allows her to skip accountability easily because she can explain any would be suspicious absence using her interruptive job schedule. For example , she had to work extra hours today to cover for an absent colleague.


Most escorts who are married or are in a relationship will not expressly show their partners their financial position. They may make a little more extra but will never admit to having money despite the prevailing problem that may be in the house. This is because they know that the men may start questioning the source of their extra cash. It may also lead to the man burdening her with more financial responsibility which is an idea she may not be so open to.


Most escorts know that the more you speak the more information you release. This is because they end up concealing their secret and have even less questions to answer and even less explanations to make. However friendly a conversation may be, its always a way to some information. You give away a small part of your secret every time to indulge in a conversation with someone. Hence escorts will not speak


Though this is a dangerous one and can sometimes be one of the sign that gives her away, most escorts are known by many or different alias names amongst friends and acquaintances alike. This is because they give away different names to different people so that no one has their real identity. This also works to shelter their online identities because they dont give out their real names.

Basically its not easy hiding a whole kind of life from relatives, friends and family for a very long time, its a tedious process that involves deleting texts, hiding phones, constant disappearing, remembering lies not to forget the occupational hazards that come with the job. So escorts do a lot to hide their secret life but in the end the secret comes out sooner or later.

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