people kissing


Lip to lip kissing is a common way for people to express affection and intimacy. There are several benefits of lip to lip kissing, that include Emotional bonding, Physical stimulation and even Improved communication between sexual partners. However, one may have noticed that many escorts do not like lip to lip lockdown and even if they do it , they will do it half heartedly. So you ask yourself, why then do escorts prefers that the action goes down with no kissing ? after all, if im having sex with you then didn’t we pss the kissing threshold a long time ago ?


kissing can be a highly intimate act and some escorts may feel that it blurs the lines between a professional transaction and a personal relationship. Kissing can help create a strong emotional connection between sexual partners and increase intimacy. This kind of intimacy is not welcome because most escorts do not want to get attached to the clients. They could be married women with hasbunds and are actualy just on a job like any other.


If a escort has had negative experiences with kissing, such as a partner who had poor oral hygiene,, they may develop a dislike for kissing. This is very common because escorts come across drunk men regularly who want sex. Booze on mans breath is not the most sexy thing one will come across. Also Certain physical conditions, such as dry mouth or allergies, can make kissing uncomfortable


In some cases, psychological factors such as anxiety, shame, or past traumatic experiences can make kissing difficult or uncomfortable for some escorts. Its important to know that some escorts were victims of sexual abuse in their childhood. This makes it hard for them to consider kissing as pat of the deal when going to serve a client/


For some escorts, kissing mouth to mouth can feel uncomfortable or even unpleasant. They might find it too wet, too intimate, or just not their preferred way of expressing affection. Also the fact that they come across different men makes it all the more reason to stay away from kissing as an act because different men will have different issues and once you allow him to kiss your lips, you cannot stop him.

It’s important to remember that every escort is different, and what one escort enjoys may not be what another escort finds enjoyable. If an escort is uncomfortable with kissing, it’s important to communicate about it and find alternative ways to make that foreplay enjoyable for both players.

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